GEO LIQUID For African Cichlid 500ml
点击数:1131 发布时间:2013/12/2 13:17:27
Detailes |
The natural water conditions in this area are around GH 7-11, KH 16-18, PH 8.6-9.2, GH 4-6 and KH 6-8. Water here has and even higher PH than sea water. Because the water has such a high mineral and Oxygen content, the water is extremely clear, with visibility in excess of 40m. These lakes have world heritage listing. | | |
Attention |
GEO LIQUID creates the ideal stable conditions needed to maximize these special fish’s colors, and to stimulate spawning. GEO LIUQUID supplies the GH/KH, needed to boost their immunity and strengthen their metabolism. | | |
Advice |
温馨提示:本产品既不是净水剂,也不是硝化细菌,它是秉承最新环保理念的纯天然产品。当您用药给鱼治病的时候请不要使用磁能丽快特。因为磁能丽快特会把药吸附走、使药丧失它的功效。此外,建议您既不要和PSB等硝化細菌剤商品合用,也不与活性炭一同使用!詳細请参考商品使用説明。 | | |